Monday, August 21, 2017

Teach Like A Pirate - Reflection #3

This is my final blog of reflection for my summer reading. I have finished the book Teach Like A Pirate and finalized discussions with my cooperating teacher - Mr. Roy Campbell of Derry Area High School.

Previously our discussions have been centered on the core messages presented throughout the book that was divided into chapters for each letter of the word PIRATE:

P - Passion
I - Immersion
R - Rapport
A - Ask and Analyze
T – Transformation
E – Enthusiasm

In June, Mr. Campbell and I were able to reflect on the first third of the book. Then, in July we were able to reflect on the second half of the book. These reflections allowed us to discuss the chapters centered on the meanings of Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask and Analyze, Transformation and Enthusiasm. Overall, building on what it means to teach like a pirate. As we concluded our reading and discussions, Mr. Campbell and I have focused our attention to how to become a better pirate.

To become a better Pirate we found ourselves pondering the “awkward question” presented by Burgess of “Do you want to be great?”  Of course we want to be great, but as pointed out by Burgess we often feel selfish and under judgment when we answer ‘yes’ with such confidence. However, what happens if we are not striving for greatness? Are we striving for mediocrity? Personally, Mr. Campbell and I have no problem wanting to be great because being mediocre does not incentivize us to create goals and strive to achieve them. We want to teach with a purpose, and to achieve that purpose we have be great. This is easily summarized through a quote from the book below:

 When you have a high enough calling, it is much easier to commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to accomplish your life’s purpose.  You have to decide if what you’re doing is worth your complete effort and full attention.  If it is, don’t let anything stop you.”

In short, Burgess also compares the purpose of greatness by connecting it to The Little Drummer Boy. After reading this, it was a moment of thoughtful thinking about how cool it would be for us as agricultural educators to go out into the world each day and play our “drum” the best we can as a gift we can give to others.

The next question presented to us was “Where do I start?” To be great, we have to start somewhere, but knowing what to begin with is always difficult. Burgess suggested that we allow ‘roadblocks’ to get in our way of our intentions of doing great things. These roadblocks can simply be the following:

  1. The fear of failure
  2. Believing you have to figure it all out before you begin
  3. Perfectionism
  4. Lack of focus
  5. Fear of criticism or ridicule

I openly admit that the fear of failure and perfectionism are huge roadblocks for me. Knowing that, helps me breakthrough them. I cannot let these roadblocks get in the way of me reaching greatness. However, I also know that I am not in this alone. I have an amazing ‘crew’ of mentors that will help me achieve greatness throughout my journey of teaching agriculture. Therefore, I confidently can say that I want to be great and can achieve greatness. 

Overall, this book built my confidence and creativity that I plan to execute in my future classroom. In addition, it also provided great reasoning and discussion about the significance of teaching like a pirate. Thank you for staying connected throughout my summer reading reflections with Mr. Campbell.


  1. Halee,

    Your reflections of Teach Like a Pirate have inspired me to pick up this awesome book again! I am excited to see where this year takes you!!

