Friday, April 28, 2017

Growing Roots in Agriculture Education

Where I grew up, it was unlike many. I grew up hearing, seeing, and smelling rural
Pennsylvania. Every day I can hear the cows mooing in the barnyard, see acres of corn growing over the never ending hills, and smelling that pungent smell of manure for miles. To some this might sound unappealing, but where I grew up allowed me to become deeply rooted in the most unique lifestyle and industry. If you haven’t guessed it yet, I grew up on a dairy farm.

I have enjoyed growing up within the agriculture community, and hold a fondness for those associated. I have grown a never ending passion towards this industry, which is why I plan to continue growing from these roots to share this passion in my future. I am currently attending the Pennsylvania State University, pursuing a bachelors of science degree in Agricultural and Extension Education. I believe as an agriculture educator, I can provide guidance to future agriculturalist by encouraging them to grow from their roots, or help them plant a seed to help their roots begin to grow. To do this I plan to provide them resources to help expand on their previous knowledge, provide them a comfortable learning environment to explore FFA, and opportunities for them to experience agriculture beyond the classroom setting in their Supervised Agriculture Experience. 

Overall, American agriculture is deeply rooted within our nation’s history. It began as the grassroots for our nation to evolve into an agriculture society, then continued to grow with the technological advancements during the industrial revolution, and has embraced challenges to expand upon these roots during the informational age. Agriculture has continued to anchor and support our nation throughout many years, and is still continuing today.

I am excited to see how I will grow from my roots and encourage growth among future agriculturist throughout my journey in Agricultural Education. Stay connected throughout my journey by following me on Blogger or twitter @wasson_halee! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I am excited to work with you on your #TeachAg Journey.
